Delayed genomic test results leave thousands without targeted lung cancer treatment experts warn
Speeding up turnaround times to 14-day target will prolong lives says report
Thousands of lung cancer patients could be missing out on life-extending, targeted treatments, due to lengthy genomic testing turnaround times, says a new report by the UK Lung Cancer (UKLCC) published today (4 March 2025).1
Genomic testing is a critical part of the lung cancer diagnostic and treatment pathway. It helps to define the molecular make-up of tumours, enabling lung cancer patients to access an increasing range of innovative and personalised treatments targeting their specific lung cancer type. This, in turn, can increase their chance of survival.2
As many as 30,000 UK lung cancer patients a year have tissue sent for genomic testing.1 Yet, despite a recommended maximum 14-calendar day testing turnaround time (from tissue biopsy to full genomic test results report)3 - in some parts of the country, patients are experiencing delays running into weeks.
“This is wholly unacceptable, causing significant physical and mental harm to patients, who, having already received their devastating diagnosis, then have to endure prolonged waits before starting the treatment best suited to them,” says Robert Rintoul, Professor of Thoracic Oncology, University of Cambridge; Honorary Consultant Respiratory Physician, Royal Papworth Hospital, and the UKLCC’s Clinical Lead. “Lung cancer is a rapidly fatal disease so speedy access to test results and the most effective treatments is vital.”
According to the recent Darzi review, less than two-thirds (60%) of genomic tests are delivered on time in England.4
Called ‘Faster Testing, Better Outcomes: Genomic Testing in Lung Cancer’, the new report calls for faster turnaround times and highlights the current challenges and delays within the complex genomics pathway. Issues include lack of published turnaround time data across genomic laboratory hubs (GLHs); inconsistent tissue sample quality; non-uniform results reporting; inadequate IT systems, staffing shortages in laboratories; and inefficient sample transportation (with some tissue samples being sent to labs for analysis by second-class post).
The report offers practical solutions for timely, accurate, and high-quality genomic test results, across the UK, and provides examples of where processes are working well. Recommendations include:
- Regular collection and national publication of genomic testing turnaround times by the four UK health administrations.
- A named individual responsible for overseeing the entire testing pathway.
- Genomic labs to operate a seven-day working model and provision of greater training places for healthcare scientists.
- A single digital tracking system for patient samples to monitor their journey.
- Standardised reporting templates for genomics to improve report clarity and understanding.
- A single online platform for rapid submission and receipt of results.
- Patients and families must have access to appropriate information regarding pathology and genomic testing.
“Faster genomic testing can streamline the patient’s journey, avoid less-effective treatments and ultimately save costs for the NHS”, added Professor Rintoul.
Lung cancer is the UK’s biggest cancer killer with nearly 35,000 people dying each year.5 It accounts for more than a fifth of all UK cancer deaths (21%) - and lung cancer in never smokers is the eighth most common cause of cancer-related death in the UK.5,6 Five-year UK lung cancer survival rates compare poorly with comparable European countries (16.2%) - and over one-third (35%) of people with lung cancer are diagnosed by emergency admission to hospital in England.7,8 However, it can be cured if diagnosed early enough.
“No one diagnosed with lung cancer should wait more than 14 days for genomic test results,” says Dr David Gilligan, Consultant Clinical Oncologist at Cambridge University Hospitals and Royal Papworth Hospitals and Chair of the UKLCC: “We owe it to our patients to ensure that they receive the most appropriate and effective treatment as swiftly as possible.”
A copy of the full report can be accessed at:
Notes to editors:
About Genomics
Genomic medicine is a field of healthcare that uses information from a person’s genes (their DNA) to guide diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases. For lung cancer, this involves testing a panel of genes for a range of mutations e.g. EGFR Positive, ALK Positive, ROS-1 etc. By understanding the genetic makeup of an individual, clinicians can tailor treatment and care to a patient’s unique genetic profile. This approach can help in predicting disease risk, choosing the most effective treatments, and avoiding adverse drug reactions.
About the UKLCC
The UK Lung Cancer Coalition (UKLCC) is the UK’s largest multi-interest group in lung cancer. It was set up in 2005 with the founding ambition to tackle poor lung cancer survival outcomes and, specifically, to double five-year survival by 2015, which was effectively achieved. It is now looking to redouble five-year survival and will launch a new survival ambition at its 20th anniversary conference in November 2025. The UKLCC’s membership includes leading lung cancer experts, senior NHS professionals, charities, and healthcare companies with an interest in fighting lung cancer. For more information about our work and members, visit:
- Faster Testing, Better Outcomes – Genomic Testing in Lung Cancer. UKLCC Report published March 2025. Available at:
- Brahmer et al. LBA51 - KEYNOTE-024, ESMO 2020. 5-year OS update: First line (1L) pembrolizumab vs platinum-based chemotherapy (chemo) in patients (pts) with metastatic NSCLC and PD-L1 tumour proportion score (TPS) ≥50%. Accessible at:
- National Optimum and Genomic Molecular Pathway. Lung Cancer Clinical Expert Group, Jan 2024. Available at:
- Independent investigation of the NHS in England. Lord Darzi, September 2024. Available at:
- Cancer Research UK Statistics. Accessed Feb 2025
- Lung cancer in never smokers: a hidden disease. Peake M et al. Accessed Feb 2025 at:
- IHE, Comparator Report on Cancer in Europe 2019 – disease burden, costs and access to medicines, July 2019. Accessed Feb 2025
- National Lung Cancer Audit 2023: page 9. Accessed Feb 2025
For further information:
Lynsey Conway, External Affairs Lead, UKLCC on:
07778 304233