Scottish Pathways Matter

Despite improvements in quality of care and patient outcomes over the last ten years, nearly half (47.5%) of Scottish lung cancer patients are diagnosed with advance (stage IV disease) – and over a third are waiting more than 62 days from diagnosis to treatment. Currently, five-year survival is just 16% in Scotland- well below the 21% now achieved in England.
Our new report, compiled from input from health professionals and service providers working across 11 of the 14 Scottish Health Boards - provides an analysis of current lung cancer service provision and practice from the frontline. It also considers where gaps exist to achieving the new 42-day target in the Scottish National Optimal Lung Cancer Diagnostic Pathway, as well as identifying and sharing examples of best practice.
The result is a series of detailed recommendations for Health Boards, Regional Cancer Networks, NHS Scotland, and the Scottish Government’s consideration to improve and extend the lives of people living with a lung cancer diagnosis in Scotland.