
by Emma Greenwood, Head of Policy Development, Cancer Research UK

New data recently published on Cancer Research UK’s local cancer statistics website ( has revealed that 1,800…

by Richard Steyn, Chair of the UK Lung Cancer Coalition

As the UK Lung Cancer Coalition (UKLCC), we recognise the importance and need to drive policy and service change not only in England – but across the UK nations. 


by Richard Steyn, Chair of the UK Lung Cancer Coalition

The United Kingdom Lung Cancer Coalition (UKLCC) is committed to providing a voice for lung cancer patients and carers, and ensuring that high quality, patient-centred services are readily…

by Lynsey Conway, UKLCC Communications Consultant

For the past three years, the British Lung Foundation (BLF) has been campaigning to introduce a ban on smoking in cars when children are present. Adults can make their own lifestyle choices but…

by Naomi Horne, Macmillan Lead Lung Cancer Nurse, Llandough Hospital

Lung cancer nurse specialists provide a vital role in caring for lung cancer patients and their families – yet they are often overstretched and their roles are being squeezed.

by Mr Richard Steyn - Chair, UKLCC

Today sees the launch of the next phase of Public Health England’s Be Clear on Cancer campaign which aims to make people aware of the symptoms of lung cancer and encourage them…

by Dr Mick Peake

It is commonly acknowledged that lung cancer patients get a raw deal when compared to other cancer patients. Despite accounting for more than a fifth of all UK cancer deaths, lung cancer receives…

by Mrs Jesme Fox, Medical Director, Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation

Lung cancer patients can now check information about the care they are accessing, after the launch of a new interactive online map. The Lung Cancer Smart Map, which shows patients how treatment…