Letter to the new Secretary of State for Health and Social Care

12 July 2024

Rt Hon Wes Streeting MP

Secretary of State for Health and Social Care

Dear Secretary of State

As representatives of the UK Lung Cancer Coalition (UKLCC), the country’s largest multi-interest group in lung cancer, we would very much like to welcome you to your new role as Secretary of State for Health and Social Care.

We are sure you are aware that, despite real advances in service provision in some parts of the country, and curative treatment rates steadily improving over the last 20 years, lung cancer remains the UK’s biggest cancer killer.1 There are still huge variations in care and outcomes across the country - and UK five-year survival rates compare poorly with other European countries.1,2  Yet, lung cancer can be cured if diagnosed early enough.

While we appreciate you will have many urgent priorities over the coming weeks, we ask that your department commits to a series of targets that will help reduce variation in the diagnosis, care and outcomes further.

These are:

  • Equitable and timely access to optimal treatment and care. Lung cancer disproportionately affects those from deprived areas1 - and there are wide variations in access to the best possible lung cancer services across the UK. Regardless of location, socioeconomic status, or background, it is imperative that all patients can access the same standards of care. This can be achieved by streamlining referral pathways, reducing waiting times, and promoting early diagnosis. In England and Wales, latest figures show waiting times from ‘Decision to Treat’ to the start of first treatment continue to get even longer.3
  • Maximising access to Targeted Lung Health Checks - and ensuring the roll-out of a UK-wide lung cancer screening programme: Lung cancer is a rapidly fatal disease which requires early diagnosis. (NB: 32% of people with lung cancer are diagnosed by emergency admission to hospital).3 Without doubt, the approval of a national screening programme (in June 2023) will do more to improve lung cancer survival than any other single intervention. However, we must ensure that all those eligible (55–74-year-olds with a history of smoking) can access a lung check wherever they live in England4– and that the screening programme is extended to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
  • Universal and timely access to molecular diagnostics - and publication of genomic guidelines. Through molecular diagnostic testing we can now accurately define the make-up of tumours and treat them with a range of targeted and precision therapies. However, the turnaround times for molecular testing in some parts of the country is running to several weeks – and NHS funding restrictions prevent patients being treated with chemotherapy or immunotherapy while they wait.5 We need a clear plan for those providing genomic testing and must publish their performance against the mandated 14-day turnaround time for molecular test results.6

Working with our members including Cancer Research UK and Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation, we urge the new Labour Government to also commit to a Smoke-free Britain and reintroduce the Tobacco and Vaping Bill. 72% of lung cancer cases are caused by smoking.7

We Since 2005, the UKLCC has played a key role in driving improvements in UK lung cancer care.  We would welcome the earliest opportunity to meet with you and your colleagues on how we can work together to save many more lives from this devastating disease.  Please contact us at info@uklcc.org.uk

Yours sincerely on behalf of the UK Lung Cancer Coalition (UKLCC):

Dr David Gilligan – Chair, UKLCC and Consultant Clinical Oncologist at Cambridge University Hospitals and Royal Papworth Hospitals

Professor Robert Rintoul – UKLCC’s Clinical Advisory Group Lead; Professor of Thoracic Oncology, University of Cambridge; Honorary Consultant Respiratory Physician, Royal Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Professor Mick Peake OBE – former Chair and Founder of UKLCC, Hon Professor of Respiratory Medicine, University of Leicester; Emeritus Consultant in Respiratory Medicine, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, Specialist Clinical Advisor, Cancer Research UK

Dr Neal Navani - Consultant Respiratory Physician, University College London Hospitals NHS Trust; Senior Clinical Lead, National Lung Cancer Audit

Dr Daryl Freeman - General Practitioner; Associate Clinical Director in OPM and Primary Care for Norfolk Community Health & Care; Clinical Adviser Norfolk & Waveney ICB; committee member Primary Care Respiratory Society (PCRS)

Cathy Brokenshire - Lung cancer campaigner and fundraiser; Trustee and Ambassador for the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation. Widow of the late Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP

For more information about our members and activities visit: www.uklcc.org.uk


Cancer Research UK Lung Cancer Statistics: www.cancerresearchuk.org/health-professional/cancer-statistics/statistics-by-cancer-type/lung-cancer

De Angelis R, Sant M, Coleman M et al. Cancer survival in Europe 1999–2007 by country and age: results of EUROCARE-5—a population-based study. Lancet Oncology 2014; 15 (1) 23–34.

National Lung Cancer Audit (NLCA): State of the Nations Report April 2024: www.lungcanceraudit.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/NLCA-State-of-the-Nation-Report-2024.pdf

New lung cancer screening roll-out to detect cancer sooner. NHS England Press Release, June 2023: www.gov.uk/government/news/new-lung-cancer-screening-roll-out-to-detect-cancer-sooner

Driving Improvement in UK Lung Cancer Care Report. UKLCC, February 2024. www.uklcc.org.uk/our-reports

National Optimum Genomic and Molecular Pathway Version 1 – Jan 2024 available at: https://roycastle.org/for-healthcare-professionals/clinical-expert-group/

Cancer Research UK Lung Cancer Statistics: www.cancerresearchuk.org/health-professional/cancer-statistics/statistics-by-cancer-type/lung-cancer/risk-factors